The Reels Stories

Team Explore Idea organized a nationwide reel-making competition called “The Reels Stories” with the aim of celebrating the cultural diversity of Nepal. This exciting and engaging competition provided a platform for passionate youth from across the country to exhibit their talents and skills while embracing the rich beauty of Nepalese culture.

Participants were invited to create reels showcasing songs, music, or dialogues through dance, singing, or any other form of performance that aligned with the theme of cultural diversity. The competition attracted a wide range of creative entries that captured the essence of Nepal’s diverse cultural heritage.

The event was graced by esteemed judges Mrs. Renasha Rai Rana and Mr. Gamvir Bista, two highly influential personalities from the Nepali entertainment industry known for their versatility. Their presence added prestige and credibility to the competition, inspiring the participants to showcase their best work.

Among the talented participants, Ms.Dibya Bam Thakuri stood out with her exceptional video, which beautifully portrayed Nepal and its vibrant cultural traditions. She was rightfully awarded as the winner of the competition, earning recognition for her outstanding representation of the country’s diverse cultural landscape.

In addition to the winner, Ms. Anisha K.  C. received the Popular Choice award, indicating the immense support and appreciation she garnered from the audience and viewers. The competition fostered a sense of community engagement, with participants receiving recognition for their creative efforts.

#GetSetShoot served as the rallying call for the event, encapsulating the enthusiasm and motivation that fueled the participants’ creative endeavors. Team Explore Idea, through this competition, successfully brought together the power of storytelling and cultural appreciation, leaving a lasting impact on both participants and audiences alike.

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